įollowing initial development by Sanders, the technique of rarefaction has undergone a number of revisions. The technique of rarefaction was developed in 1968 by Howard Sanders in a biodiversity assay of marine benthic ecosystems, as he sought a model for diversity that would allow him to compare species richness data among sets with different sample sizes he developed rarefaction curves as a method to compare the shape of a curve rather than absolute numbers of species. "Thus rarefaction generates the expected number of species in a small collection of n individuals (or n samples) drawn at random from the large pool of N samples.". Rarefaction curves are created by randomly re-sampling the pool of N samples multiple times and then plotting the average number of species found in each sample (1,2. The issue that occurs when sampling various species in a community is that the larger the number of individuals sampled, the more species that will be found. Rarefaction curves generally grow rapidly at first, as the most common species are found, but the curves plateau as only the rarest species remain to be sampled.

This curve is a plot of the number of species as a function of the number of samples. Rarefaction allows the calculation of species richness for a given number of individual samples, based on the construction of so-called rarefaction curves. In ecology, rarefaction is a technique to assess species richness from the results of sampling.